서명 / 저자Communication and class struggle : an anthology in 2 volumes / edited by Armand Mattelart and Seth Siegelaub.
개인저자 Mattelart, Armand. Siegelaub, Seth, 1941-
발행사항New York : International General, 1979.
형태사항2 v. : ill. ; 26 cm.
서지주기Bibliography: v. 1, p. 431-441.
내용v. 1. Capitalism, imperialism -- v. 2. Liberation, socialism.
주제명Communication in politics Collected works. Communication Social aspects Collected works. Mass media Political aspects Collected works. Communication in the social sciences Collected works. Communication and traffic Collected works.
ISBN0884770117 (pbk.)
청구기호302.2 C7347


번호 등록번호 소장위치 청구기호
1 2919127 세불문고 세 302.2 C7347 v.2 c.2
2 2919126 세불문고 세 302.2 C7347 v.1 c.2